posthuman - nodes


chain id:
  • instalation guide
  • genesis file
  • addr book
  • snapshot service
  • contributions

Custom Installation Guide for Ubuntu Server


Recommended Hardware

  • CPU: Preferably x86_64 or arm64
  • Memory: At least 8GB DDR4
  • Storage: Minimum 1TB of disk space

This guide is intended for advanced users comfortable with command-line interfaces and system administration.

System Update and Dependency Installation

Begin by updating your system's package list and upgrading existing packages. Then, install necessary dependencies:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt-get install -y make git-core libssl-dev pkg-config libclang-12-dev build-essential protobuf-compiler

System Update and Dependency Installation

Begin by updating your system's package list and upgrading existing packages. Then, install necessary dependencies:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt-get install -y make git-core libssl-dev pkg-config libclang-12-dev build-essential protobuf-compiler

Go Installation

Proceed with installing Go if it isn't already present on your system:

cd $HOME if ! command -v go &> /dev/null; then VER="1.20.3" wget "$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz" sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz" rm "go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz" echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile source $HOME/.bash_profile fi

Setting Up Environment Variables

Customize your setup by replacing placeholders with your specific details and save them as environment variables:

NAMADA_PORT=26 echo "export NAMADA_PORT=$NAMADA_PORT" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export ALIAS='YOUR_VALIDATOR_NAME'" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export MEMO='YOUR_TPK_NAM_ADDRESS'" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export WALLET='YOUR_WALLET_NAME'" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export PUBLIC_IP=$(wget -qO-" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export TM_HASH='v0.1.4-abciplus'" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export CHAIN_ID='shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14'" >> $HOME/.bash_profile echo "export BASE_DIR='$HOME/.local/share/namada'" >> $HOME/.bash_profile source $HOME/.bash_profile

Rust and CometBFT Installation

Install Rust and set up CometBFT for enhanced security and performance:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y source $HOME/.cargo/env cd $HOME git clone cd cometbft git checkout v0.37.2 make build sudo cp build/cometbft /usr/local/bin/ cometbft version

Namada Binaries Setup

Download and prepare Namada binaries:

cd $HOME git clone cd namada wget tar -xvf namada-v0.31.9-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz sudo mv namad* /usr/local/bin/ if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR" fi

Verifying Namada Installation

Ensure Namada has been installed correctly:

namada --version

Finalizing the Installation

Join the network as a Pre-Genesis Validator, configure your node, and set up Namada as a service.

Joining the Network

namada client utils join-network --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

Service Configuration

Create a systemd service file for Namada to ensure it runs smoothly:

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/namadad.service > /dev/null <<EOF [Unit] Description=Namada Service [Service] User=$USER WorkingDirectory=$BASE_DIR ExecStart=$(which namadad) node ledger run Restart=always RestartSec=10 LimitNOFILE=65535 [Install] EOF

Add peers to config.toml

PEERS="tcp://,tcp://,tcp://95d58c49e8177dbb67ded1475381011b7c28c375@,tcp://8a9872e2502be4fd2664dc1477020f36a38a4940@" sed -i 's|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = "'$PEERS'"|' $HOME/.local/share/namada/shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14/config.toml

Use our snapshot service here to sync really quick!

Set custom ports in config.toml:

sed -i.bak -e "s%:26658%:${NAMADA_PORT}658%g; s%:26657%:${NAMADA_PORT}657%g; s%:26656%:${NAMADA_PORT}656%g; s%:26545%:${NAMADA_PORT}545%g; s%:8545%:${NAMADA_PORT}545%g; s%:26660%:${NAMADA_PORT}660%g" $HOME/.local/share/namada/shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14/config.toml

start the service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable namadad sudo systemctl restart namadad && sudo journalctl -u namadad -f

🔎 Create and Fund Wallet

Create Wallet:

namadaw gen --alias $WALLET

Restore Existing Wallet:

namadaw derive --alias $WALLET

Find Your Wallet Address:

namadaw find --alias $WALLET
  • Copy the implicit address (starts with tnam...) for the next step.

Fund Your Wallet from Faucet here

  • After a couple of minutes, check the balance:
namadac balance --owner $WALLET

List Known Keys and Addresses in the Wallet:

namadaw list

Check Sync Status:

  • Once your node is fully synced, the output will confirm:
curl | jq

🧑‍🎓 Turn Your Full Node into a Validator

Initiate a Validator:

namadac init-validator \ --commission-rate 0.07 \ --max-commission-rate-change 1 \ --signing-keys $WALLET \ --alias $ALIAS \ --email <EMAIL_ADDRESS> \ --website <WEBSITE> \ --discord-handle <DISCORD> \ --account-keys $WALLET \ --memo $MEMO

Find Your Validator Address:

namadaw list | grep -A 1 ""$ALIAS"" | grep "Established"

Check Your Validator Address and Save:

namadaw list | grep "Established"

Wait for 2 Epochs and Restart the Node

sudo systemctl restart namadad && sudo journalctl -u namadad -f
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